hot enough for you???? stupid question. well, to get your mind off
your constant sweat beads i am here to let you know about all the
cool (pun intended) stuff we have just received. everyone's favorite
off- colored greeting cards O+D. if you are in need of more than a
card to show how much you care, then our delivery of Anne Sportun's
diamonds and semiprecious jewels should do the trick.(i choose not to
use the obvious "ice" pun) in case those little one's in your home
have played with their very last whatever, we have a large amount of
stuffed creatures occupying our daybed who need a new home.
i'm sure the thought of a very cute, very long-sleeved Michael Stars
top against your sticky skin may send you over the edge but, come on
in and get one and head straight to the movies or a indoor skating rink.
thanks for reading and treat yourself to an icecream or my newest
addiction a snow cone at Tropical Moose.
til next time-
maeghan and the other lusso chicks